Frankenstein (with Cd)

por AA. VV.

Resumen del libro Frankenstein (with Cd) en PDF, Docx, ePub y AZW

Sinopsis de Frankenstein (with Cd):

Francis, PFast Track Classics are a quick way to a range of exciting stories, from the chilling tale of Dracula to the gripping adventure of veinte con cero Leagues under the Sea and the powerful murder mystery story of the Hound of the Baskervilles.

These stories are shortened versions of the classic novels, which along with the accompanying audio disco compacto, lose none of the strength and flavour of the originals.

Each story has a full glossary at the back of the book and comprehension, vocabulary and language activities for each title are available to download.

Each story contains: * an audio disco compacto of the complete story * a full glossary * downloadable comprehension, vocabulary and language activities on the website

Ficha técnica de Frankenstein (with Cd)

Titulo del libro "Frankenstein (with Cd)"
Registro ISBN ° 9780462003078
Publicado por Editorial Marshall Cavendish Elt
Escrito por AA. VV.
Publicado el Año 2007
Origen del Libro Londres, Reino Unido
Idioma de publicación Castellano
Tipo de Encuadernación original Tapa Blanda