Go Ahead 2 (pre-intermediate) Students Book
por Teresa Gerdes
Resumen del libro Go Ahead 2 (pre-intermediate) Students Book en PDF, Docx, ePub y AZW
Sinopsis de Go Ahead 2 (pre-intermediate) Students Book:
Go Ahead by Teresa Gerdes is a communicative based course which follows the new syllabus of the Official Language Schools (EOI) and English Language Schools.
It has been written for teachers an students who are searching for new and innovative ways to teach or learn English as a foreign language.
Go Ahead encourages teachers to use a holistic approach in their teaching and promotes the following strategies, methods and techniques, such as: Suggestopedia, Multiple Intelligences Thoery, Conceptual Maps and Cooperative Learning.
Ficha técnica de Go Ahead 2 (pre-intermediate) Students Book
Titulo del libro "Go Ahead 2 (pre-intermediate) Students Book"Registro ISBN ° 9788478735341
Publicado por Editorial Stanley
Escrito por Teresa Gerdes
Publicado el Año 2007
Origen del Libro España
Idioma de publicación Castellano
Tipo de Encuadernación original Tapa Blanda