Black Beauty
por AA. VV.
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Sinopsis de Black Beauty:
A poignant and moving retelling of Anna Sewell\'s classic novel, which follows the story of Black Beauty - the brave and noble horse that overcomes danger and cruelty to eventually find a loving home.
It is gorgeously illustrated by Alan Marks.
Young readers will treasure this beautiful gift edition, which is published in hardback with a ribbon marker.
The "Usborne Young Reading" series is designed to encourage independent reading and covers a range of subject matter, introducing children\'s classics, fairytales and a diverse range of narrative non fiction.
Ficha técnica de Black Beauty
Titulo del libro "Black Beauty"Registro ISBN ° 9780746070543
Publicado por Editorial Usborne Publishing
Escrito por AA. VV.
Publicado el Año 2007
Origen del Libro España
Idioma de publicación Castellano
Tipo de Encuadernación original Sin Definir