Oxford Bookworms 3e 1 Fact File William & Kate Mp3 Pack

por AA. VV.

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Sinopsis de Oxford Bookworms 3e 1 Fact File William & Kate Mp3 Pack:

Everybody took photos of Prince William when he first arrived at the University of St Andrews.

Crowds of photographers came to the little Scottish town next to the sea and took pictures of this new student the nineteen year old grandson of the Queen of England.

But nobody photographed Kate Middleton on her first day at the university.

She moved in quietly, ready to begin her studies in art history.

She was just an ordinary student with an ordinary future in front of her.

Or was she?

Ficha técnica de Oxford Bookworms 3e 1 Fact File William & Kate Mp3 Pack

Titulo del libro "Oxford Bookworms 3e 1 Fact File William & Kate Mp3 Pack"
Registro ISBN ° 9780194637572
Publicado por Editorial Oxford University Press
Escrito por AA. VV.
Publicado el Año 2016
Origen del Libro Reino Unido
Idioma de publicación Castellano
Tipo de Encuadernación original Tapa Blanda