Prepare Level 7 Teacher`s Book With Digital Pack
por Rod Fricker
Resumen del libro Prepare Level 7 Teacher`s Book With Digital Pack en PDF, Docx, ePub y AZW
Sinopsis de Prepare Level 7 Teacher`s Book With Digital Pack:
\'Teen appeal\' subject areas along with substantial preparing the modified 2020 A2 secret for education, B1 Preliminary for education and additionally B2 1st for education.
The amount 7 full colour interleaved Teacher\'s Book will make it easy to illustrate with lowest preparing.
The Cambridge One en línea Paquete include usage of Class Audio and response techniques and scripts.
You\'ll find movies to accompany the heritage areas and energetic interviews with de hoy youngsters, thorough language and sentence structure worksheets (two quantities of trouble), books, talking, writing, vídeo clip and vídeo games worksheets and additionally a Speaking test vídeo clip.
Educators are able to access the exam creator and demonstration Agregado lessons presentation instrument.
They\'re able to see and designate Test & practice test application, the timed application Test, and Practice Plus.
Ficha técnica de Prepare Level 7 Teacher`s Book With Digital Pack
Titulo del libro "Prepare Level 7 Teacher`s Book With Digital Pack"Registro ISBN ° 9781009032490
Publicado por Editorial Cambridge University Press
Escrito por Rod Fricker
Publicado el Año 2022
Origen del Libro Es
Idioma de publicación Castellano
Tipo de Encuadernación original Tapa Blanda