Gender Equality In The European Union, Comparative Study Of Spain And Italy

por Rosa Quesada

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Sinopsis de Gender Equality In The European Union, Comparative Study Of Spain And Italy:

This monograph is a comparative study of legal initiatives and popular practices on equality and non discrimination, from a gender perspective, in two European legal systems, namely Spain and Italy.

The two countries share significant historical, cultural, popular and legal similarities and are alike in the respective legal structures, territorial organisation and distribution of competences.

This comparative study of the legal structures provides a general analysis and offers a dual perspective as it is organised in such a way as to espectáculo both the overall and specific regulatory sources and the contributions of science and jurisprudence to this subject in both countries.

The ultimate legal context of this study is the European Popular Law.

This ideal framework is aimed at harmonising the different national legislations on non discrimination policies and the promotion of effective equality for women and men.

Ficha técnica de Gender Equality In The European Union, Comparative Study Of Spain And Italy

Titulo del libro "Gender Equality In The European Union, Comparative Study Of Spain And Italy"
Registro ISBN ° 9788490140260
Publicado por Editorial Aranzadi
Escrito por Rosa Quesada
Publicado el Año 2012
Origen del Libro Pamplona (navarra)
Idioma de publicación Castellano
Tipo de Encuadernación original Tapa Blanda